Monday, March 30, 2009

Programming Note

Well, the end of another quarter and the numbers speak for themselves:

Pretty impressive for a wee little blog! And we so couldn't do it without you guys, the readers - so thank you!

So I made a few changes to the layout today:

1. Added RSS feed capability to the blog.

2. Added a feed from PolyamoryWeekly. If you scroll down, you can link-out to get the latest episodes.

3. Added a video feed to 3DogPictures - those guys up in Seattle who do The Family polyamory series? Anyway, you can get those here now, too!

4. I also added a convenient tag that lets you know when one of us are talking.

5. Finally, the nav bar to the right got a layout change just to re-organize things a tad.

So, yeah!
Thanks for reading and being such a great part of our lives!



Anonymous said...

I am a new monogamous partner involved a poly relationship. I am also the single mother of two children. This blog is wonderful. Thank you for being an inspiration and showing me the possibilities this lifestyle can offer!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the community! There are several examples of mono/poly connections that we know, and know of, so this can be done. Keep on looking for the answers that work for you, your children, and your partner(s). :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Hope we continue to hear from you!