Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Queen and her throne


Last night was the first attempt at the practical poly discussion group here. We had 18 people, including us, and the participants and conversations were diverse. There was a lot of experience in the room, which I found really exciting! The two topics that we were working on for the night could have been continued in discussion for another two hours, so it seemed that there is desire to have a more intellectual discussion of poly issues that this format filled.

One thing that I got comments on from various people was the way I set up the room. As the moderator, I took a pretty centrally located spot, and used a tall bar stool so that I could view people in the back of the room as well. Apparently, the elevated view was perhaps a bit uppity seeming. ;) "When the Queen crosses her legs and looks at the clipboard, be prepared for a change in subject."

What I really enjoyed was being able to get input from the people there that have been living poly/open for decades already. Being able to get beyond the beginner jitters and delve more deeply into the subject matter was invaluable. Being able to see that even those who have been doing this for a very long time don't have all the answers was reassuring and realistic. Seeing a small cross-section of the different models of poly that people practice helps to keep my mind open to many the many options that we have available to accomplish something together.

My partners really came through and helped me pull the whole thing off, and I'm so glad that I can count on their support in this endeavor. PG, S, THANK YOU!!!! Love you, each in your own way.

On to next month! Perhaps I should give up the throne? Perhaps I should be happy with my role as benevolent despot...

1 comment:

EmilyTbM said...

Thank you again for hosting, it was great! My partner especially enjoyed it as he thrives in discussion opportunities.

Also, you give a whole new meaning to queening chair, har har har.